Taking the Spiritual Path.

From pamphlets by Meredith Sprunger.

   How we conduct our outreach ministry is more important than when or where we introduce people to The Urantia Book. Indifference and social opposition must be met with love, intellectual candor and good humor.

   Since we are not starting a new religion, our public ministry is relatively benign. Jesus assures us, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." This mission bears the simplicity of Philip's invitation, "Come and see."

   In many instances we might be simply introducing people to a new book and encouraging them to read it. Their response is in the hands of the Spirit. We must cheerfully allow the reader their own interpretations and evaluation. For if this new vision of spiritual reality does not inspire, then our arguments will not either.

Let Love Create.

   Let love create the atmosphere of your interpersonal relationships. You cannot effectively communicate with others unless you are prepared to accept them as they are, and with their imperfections. Strive to prevent your biases and limitations from interfering with or distorting your service. Support, encourage, and help people; do not coerce them. See your fellows as persons of worth and build their self-respect. Be natural, genuine, and enjoy their company.

   Serve out of love, a thankful heart, and joy of the act itself. Ministry is an internal activity of the creative mind and the loving soul. External motivations of service compromise the spiritual value. Serving God solely for external purposes such as building your study group, church, or a spiritual renaissance limits both its spiritual value and personal satisfaction. Minister out of love; the repercussions will take care of themselves. Serve with intelligent dedication, do not try to manipulate people.

Personal Spiritual Growth.

   I close with the most important aspect of our ministry. Since outreach is the main imperative of the Urantia movement, take personal action and carry the good news of The Urantia Book to the farthest corners of the earth. But if you lack the talent or calling for outreach ministry, there is another call we all must respond to. This is the Father's loving appeal that you dedicate yourself to spiritual growth.

   Nothing in your life is more important than your active cooperation in achieving the Spirit's mastery of your mind and body, your attitudes and appetites, your emotions and actions. This is not accomplished by merely willing it; it demands active participation.

   Growth can entail suffering, it may require the transcending of egocentric pride, or even the experiencing of social humiliation. The rewards and joys of a Spirit-controlled mind and a Spirit-mastered body far outweigh the birth pangs that may be endured in evolving the soul.

   The enlarged freedom and inner peace of your being bring great joy and a profound sense of fulfillment. Not only have you actualized your inner self, you have developed a quality of being capable of accomplishing greater service for your fellows and the Father's kingdom.

   It is my prayer that each of you may grow in the Spirit, for it is the life of the Spirit that becomes the well-spring and creative source of outreach ministry.

Living Faith Acts

   Our society desperately needs an enlarged spiritual vision to give guidance and stability to the new era struggling to be born. The Urantia Book has been given to you to provide the spiritual fulcrum to lift our world into a new era of human achievement. Our Sovereign speaks to you as to Peter, "If you love me, feed my sheep."

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