On Communication with our Thought Adjuster.

     The great challenge to modern man is to achieve better communication with the divine Monitor that dwells within the human mind. (2097)

     Better communication does not necessarily imply direct conversation. Two people who have a close personal relationship may have no need for verbal communication in order for one to sense the approval of the other for some action or decision they may take. The revelators appear to be somewhat pessimistic about the capacity of us Urantians to actually achieve direct two-way communication with our Thought Adjusters. This pessimism is related to the cumulative disadvantages accruing to us as a result of the Lucifer rebellion.

    The revelators have informed us that the Thought Adjuster is an impersonal fragment of God that
indwells the thinking centers of our minds in such a way as to be "a very part of the human mind." They tell us that the "only means of communion with the spiritual world is embraced in the spirit endowment of mankind, the indwelling spirit of the Father, together with the outpoured spirit of the Son and the omnipresent influence of the Infinite Spirit." (1680) It is the Universe Mother-Spirit who, through the ministries of the Spirits of Wisdom and Worship, initially prepares our minds for the indwelling of the Thought Adjuster.

     As individuals, we "do not possess a segregated portion or entity of the spirit of the Creator Father-Son (Spirit of Truth), or the Creative Mother-Spirit. These ministries do not contact with, nor indwell, the thinking centers of our minds..." but do work in perfect harmony with the Thought Adjusters. (379). It is apparent from these statements that for virtually all contact made by superhuman sources with our minds, the final step takes place via the medium of the Thought Adjuster.

    In view of the exhortation to achieve better communication with the divine Monitor, what should our realistic expectations be? We are told, "While the voice of the Adjuster is ever within you,
most of you will hear it seldom during a lifetime. Human beings below the third and second circles of attainment rarely hear the Adjuster's direct voice except in moments of supreme desire, in a supreme situation, and consequent upon a supreme decision." (1241) Hearing that voice in a moment of supreme desire or in a supreme situation is consequent upon a supreme decision. So what is a supreme decision?

     On p. 1242 we are informed that seraphim may be assigned to the association of a human soul who has realized one or more of three achievements. One of these three is to have "
made a supreme decision to become Godlike." Hence the decision to seek to follow Jesus' injunction to his followers is one key to better communication with our Thought Adjuster. "And then Jesus went on to instruct his followers in the realization of the chief purpose of all human struggling--perfection--even divine attainment. Always he admonished them: 'Be you perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.'"

     Even after having made such a supreme decision, it does not follow that we will have something resembling a telephonic communication with our Thought Adjuster. In the previous issue of Innerface, Ann Bendall suggested that "Jesus never really knew what God's will for him was, he simply did what he believed to be the best in any particular circumstance." Ann then cited some pretty strong evidence from
The Urantia Book in support of her assertion. Describing Jesus agony at Gethsemane, the book says, "he endured great anguish and suffered untold sorrow, for the perspiration rolled off his face in great drops. He was at last convinced that the Father intended to allow natural events to take their course." (1969) Ann suggests that Jesus was finally convinced purely by the way things were developing, that he did not know for fact but by supposition.

     Going back to an earlier stage in Jesus career--to the point where he was 29 years of age and had just completed the Mediterranean tour--the book tells us, "By the end of this tour Jesus virtually knew--with all human certainty--that he was a Son of God, a Creator Son of the Universal Father. The Adjuster more and more was able to bring up in the mind of the Son of Man
shadowy memories of his Paradise experience in association with his divine Father ere he ever came to organize and administer this local universe of Nebadon. Thus did the Adjuster, little by little, bring to Jesus' human consciousness those necessary memories of his former and divine existence in the various epochs of the well-nigh eternal past." (1424) By this time, Jesus was a highly advanced Urantian--yet it appears that his Thought Adjuster did not communicate directly with Jesus but rather through bringing fleeting visions into his consciousness. Perhaps this is a reason why the book tells us that:

     "Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it." (2090)

      If we have a clear picture of Jesus' life firmly embedded in our memory, then, in any situation in which we find ourselves, it may be possible for our Thought Adjuster to bring an appropriate snapshot of an incident in Jesus' life, or in one or more of his teachings, to provide us with guidance upon what our decision, response, action, or attitude should be.

Though the Spirit of Truth is poured out upon all flesh, this spirit of the Son is almost wholly limited in function and power by man's personal reception of that which constitutes the sum and substance of the mission of the bestowal Son." (379)

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