The Celestial Guardians

     Celestial Guardians are described as creature-trinitized sons that have been embraced by the Paradise Trinity. Trinitized sons may be of single or of dual origin. Some, such as the Mighty Messengers, are Adjuster-fused ascendant mortals who have already attained Paradise and the Corps of Finality, but have also passed some special test of universe allegiance that qualified them for being embraced by the Paradise Trinity and inducted into the messenger service.

   A different class of trinitized sons arises through the endeavors of  highly advanced pairs of mortal finaliters who believe that they have discovered some special and original concept that has not previously been trinitized and which, if it has all the necessary credentials and attributes, will qualify for the trinitization process, finally actualizing as a new and original living being--in this case, a creature-trinitized son endowed with personality from the Universal Father. (249,250)

   It appears to be the usual practice that these newly created but inexperienced beings initially enter service in the universes of time and space under the tutelage of the Seven Supreme Executives, after which they may then gain further experience by serving with the Trinity Teacher Sons. Following an extended period of such service, these trinitized offspring of perfected humans are embraced for the second time by the Paradise Trinity, this time in large groups that receive their commissions as either High Son Assistants or as Celestial Guardians.

   There are almost one billion Celestial Guardians already commissioned for service in the superuniverse of Orvonton. Most are assigned to the Perfections of Days who rule in the major superuniverse sectors as the vicegerants of the Ancients of Days, the personal rulers of  the superuniverses. The Celestial Guardians are listed as officers of the courts of the Ancients of Days. They serve as court messengers, bearers of summonses and decisions of the superuniverse governments. They are also the apprehending agents of the Ancients of Days.

   Neither the Celestial Guardians nor their associates, the High Son Assistants, have ever been indwelt by Adjusters, nor are they Son- or Spirit-fused. Although they are quite marvelous beings, they lack the tremendous and profound personal experience that is obtained during the ascendant career of mortals such as ourselves during our climb to glory from the deep domains of space.

   The willingness of these creature-trinitized sons to recognize and acknowledge their experiential deficiencies in the realities of the universes is described as "transcendingly beautiful and sometimes touchingly pathetic." It appears that simply nothing in all the universe can take the place of actual personal experience that is a component part of the ascendant careers of those like ourselves who commence their journey from a lowly state that is only marginally higher than an animal level of existence.

   We mortals may sometimes be in a state of mind in which our worldly environment appears so incomprehensively threatening, chaotic, ridden with random disaster, even wantonly cruel and filled with inexplicable and devastating tragedy such that we may feel justified in concluding that the gods must really be crazy or at least uninterested in our plight.

   Perhaps we can gain courage, hope, fortitude, and faith in knowing that, having ourselves gained the mansion worlds, we too will observe beings such as the Celestial Guardians who have never known anything other than total personal safety and security-- yet were observed by a Mighty Messenger to "look so longingly and appealingly at even recent arrivals from the evolutionary worlds of space that one could not help realizing that these possessors of non-experiential trinitization really envied their supposedly less fortunate brethren who ascend the universal path of bona fide experience and actual living." (253)

   There are many sections of The Urantia Book
that can help us during those moments when our understanding of reality is sorely taxed and despair threatens to bury us--such as in advice given by Jesus to Ganid:

   "Ganid, I have absolute confidence in my heavenly Father's overcare; I am consecrated to doing the will of my Father in heaven.
I do not believe that real harm can befall me; I do not believe that my lifework can really be jeopardized by anything my enemies might wish to visit upon me, and surely we have no violence to fear from our friends. I am absolutely assured that the entire universe is friendly to me--this all-powerful truth I insist on believing with a wholehearted trust in spite of all appearances to the contrary." (1469)

   "There is unity in the cosmic universe if you could only discern its workings in actuality.
The real universe is friendly...."(1477)

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