density of some of these large masses is well-nigh unbelievable." Black holes, neutron stars, and burned out white dwarfs (black dwarfs) could all fit this description, so all could be candidates. Another fact the authors give us is that the dark islands are "vast dynamos" that can "...mobilize and directionalize these energies." They tell us that Supreme Power Centers use the dark islands to control the flow of energy in the local universe. The black dwarfs and neutron stars both could perform in this role, but since nothing can escape from the gravity grasp of a black hole, how could it be used to control energy? And if it is a dead star, how could it be a "vast dynamo"?

     The authors of The Urantia Book tell us that there are numerous higher forms of energy with which we mortals are not familiar.  One we are familiar with is electromagnetic radiation, especially in its visual form, light. When the authors speak of dark islands directionalizing energies, perhaps they are referring to the higher energy forms which either don't respond to gravity, or respond differently than light. If so, then perhaps black holes can be used to control energy; perhaps they are vast dynamos for some of the higher forms of energy. We can't exclude black holes as being dark islands, but the black dwarfs and neutron stars seem like more likely candidates to me.

     Perhaps we'll have to wait till we get to the mansion worlds to get an answer regarding black holes and the dark islands of space. Till then we can amuse ourselves with endless speculation, unless of course we find a dark island orbiting our sun that we can study, and discover those higher forms of energy that we are ignorant of now.  Maybe in a few millennia...

(1) Jeremy Bernstein, "The Father of Black Holes," Scientific American, July, 1996

(2) Groilers Multimedia Encyclopedia 1994, "Supernova" 

(3) Ford and Tsvetanov, "Massive Black Holes in the Hearts of Galaxies,"  Sky and Telescope, June 1996.     

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