What Am I?

    Boiled down to its indestructible basics, we mortals consist of two elements both of which have their immediate origin in the Universal Father.  One of these elements is my Thought Adjuster, the other my personality. The Adjuster part has an absolute quality and displays traits of the nature of its origin. My personality has inbuilt potentialities also derived from its origin. Between them they can generate a soul. Additional potentials that contribute to soul-building stem from a mind and spirit endowment derived from the Universe Mother Spirit and a material body and brain, the evolutionary result of the work of the Life Carriers. Other  influences derive directly from the Eternal Spirit and from our universe Creator-Son and indirectly through other celestial beings.

    Personality has a unifying quality that enables it to confer identity and creativity upon the parts existing at any specific time that constitute the system that is becoming "me." Some parts are dispensable or exchangeable. Cessation of soul growth is accompanied by loss of all the disposable parts leaving only the Thought Adjuster (that must now find a new undertaking), and my personality (which is destined to attain experiential deity as part of the Supreme Being). My identity, associated with my personality, is a transient phenomenon that becomes permanent only if I elect to survive. Otherwise it becomes, along with other disposables, as if it never was.

    Assuming it is my irreversible intention to survive, then it is the disposable parts that dominate the making of that decision. The indispensable parts act mainly to guide and encourage. At the appropriate moment, Thought Adjuster, personality, and growing soul will coalesce to become as one and a new "me" will emerge. Having made it, I am now stuck with my decision--forevermore.

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