On Space and Nothing

Robert Webb, Hawaii

    The literal substance of Paradise is a homogeneous organization of space potency not to be found anywhere else in all the wide Universe of Universes. (120) Space potency is pre-reality; it is the domain of the Unqualified Absolute. (469) In Nebadon, space potency is spoken of as
absolutum, Paradise source material neither alive nor dead (120)

     Most people I talk to think of space as always having existed and infinite. They are not aware of the above. Space is created from the literal substance of Paradise. Paradise exists without time and has no location in space. Space seemingly originates just below nether Paradise, whereas time seemingly originates from upper Paradise.

     Paradise is non-spatial. It has distance. Motion is not inherent on Paradise, it is volitional. (120)  As for the Universe of Universes, before space there was no reality, no nothing. All reality comes from God. Can you imagine nothing? Space is not force, energy, or power.

    There is both pervaded and unpervaded space. The various space levels are: the central universe, the seven superuniverses, and the first, second, third, and fourth outer space levels. God is the upholder of the Universe of Universes. God is the Creator, and from Paradise (which is absolute), comes the potency of space.

     Space potency is not subject to the interactions of gravitation. It is ancestral to all manifestations of force-energy and the organization of power and matter. It is almost indefinable--its meaning should convey the idea of the potencies and potentials existent within space including all those absolute influences and potentials that emanate from Paradise and comprise the space presence of the Unqualified Absolute.(126)

     May we say that space in the Universe is the basis for all material reality? Can we say that before there was space there was nothing--no thing, no reality before space? Can your mind imagine nothingness, no reality?

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