adult person. In my relationship with God, I make it easier, more enjoyable as well as enabling myself to grow, if I am "as a little child"--for that is the reality of me in relation to God. However, where my brothers and sisters are concerned, I would be a fool if I was anything other than a serpent/dove.

    And when is the appropriate role that of serpent/dove?  It appears that I am to adopt this role for most of my dealings with my brothers and sisters: "
In every possible way--in everything short of your spiritual allegiance to the rulers of the universe--seek to live peaceably with all men. Be you always as wise as serpents but as harmless as doves."(1930) "It seemed to be his purpose in all social situations to teach patience, tolerance, and forgiveness." (1580).

    How do I identify swine, and how do I ensure that I don't toss pearls before them? Using Jesus as my model, he listened carefully to questions, and  chose to answer or not, based upon whether the other person was role locking themselves into the swine category. There is a beautiful example of this on p.1999. When Jesus asks us to do or not do something, he always shows us when and how to apply his instruction.

    And finally the role of sheep/lamb--this is the relationship between me and Jesus! Our relationship will blossom as long as I remember that I am the lamb and Jesus the shepherd. I would also like to be the lamb with 98 friends around rather than having Jesus wander around all night looking for me. And in the flock, I must try to do as Jesus does, to adopt his caring attitude with the other 98, so that none of them will wander off,  "
Serve your fellow men even as I have served you; forgive your fellow mortals even as I have forgiven you. Let experience teach you the value of meditation and the power of intelligent reflection." (2047)

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