thereby reducing the multifaceted existing state to a single actualized facet. That first step is a development of a pool of possibilities and the second, the choice of one of them.

   Most physicists view this as a random choice, but according to the idealist interpretation, it is consciousness that does the choosing--a consciousness, with awareness, that can transcend locality to become both non-local and unitive.

   Whereas it is our consciousness that chooses  this outcome of the collapse of the quantum state of our brain-mind, nevertheless we remain quite unconscious of the underlying process. And it is this same unconsciousness that leads to our feeling of separateness--the "I" of circularity, self-reference, and tangled hierarchy rather than the "we" of unitive consciousness.

   Is there a way out from circularity and self-reference? The answer is yes but we must choose to take it. It is the recognition that our consciousness is the same consciousness that is beyond the subject-object split--the consciousness of the source of all consciousness. Some call it "Being;" others call it "God."

   Of inestimable value for humanity is the fact that quantum physics has provided incontrovertible empirical proof for the existence of transcendent orders of reality about which materialism was in total denial. And in doing so we mortals have been liberated from the rigidity of determinism--and had our minds freed to explore the pathway to belief in a First Cause which, in turn, can lead us to discover the God who is love.

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