What says the Urantia Revelation?

   (Please note that the words "consciousness" and "mind" are not precisely defined either in philosophy or in the Urantia revelation and tend to be interchangeable.)

In the evaluation and recognition of mind it should be remembered that the universe is neither mechanical nor magical; it is a creation of mind) (481)

Mechanisms do not absolutely dominate the total creation; the universe of universes in toto is mind planned, mind made, and mind administered. But the divine mechanism of the universe of universes is altogether too perfect for the scientific methods of the finite mind of man to discern even a trace of the dominance of the infinite mind. For this creating, controlling, and upholding mind is neither material mind nor creature mind; it is spirit-mind functioning on and from creator levels of divine reality." (481)

  "Cosmic mind is the diversified mind of time and space. Cosmic mind comprises all finite mind levels and coordinates experientially with the evolutionary deity levels of Supreme Mind and transcendentally with the existential levels of absolute mind. Mind always connotes the presence and activity of loving ministry plus varied energy systems, and this is true of all kinds  of mind. Paradise mind is beyond human understanding; It is existential, non-spatial, and non-temporal." (480/481)

The Universal Father is the only personality in all the universe who does actually know the number of the stars and planets of space. All the worlds of every universe are constantly within the consciousness of God." (49)

God is possessed of unlimited power to know all things; his consciousness is universal. His personal circuit encompasses all personalities, and his knowledge of even the lowly creatures is supplemented indirectly through the descending series of divine Sons and directly through the indwelling Spirit of the Father." (49)

The Universal Father realizes in the fullness of the divine consciousness all the individual experience of the progressive struggles of the expanding minds and the ascending spirits of every entity, being, and personality of the whole evolutionary creation of time and space. And all this is literally true, for "in Him we all live and move and have our being." (29)

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