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October 24, 1964

Another milestone in the progress of the Urantia Brotherhood was reached on August 20., 1964, with the convening of the First Triennial Delegate Assembly. Each Urantia Society was represented by an elected delegate as follows:

First Urantia Society - Alvin L. Kulieke The First Urantia Society of Los Angeles, California (Alternate, - William Burton King substituting for Julia Fenderson, who was ill) Urantia Society of Glenview - Harry E. Rowley First Urantia Society of Oklahoma - Helen Butler Second Urantia Society of Chicago - John J. Seres Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago - Alfred Leverenz

The Assembly was opened by an address of welcome by E. L. Christensen, President of the Brotherhood, followed by the keynote address by Alvin L. Kulieke, President of the First Urantia Society. Mr. Kulieke reviewed the progress and status of Urantia Brotherhood and suggested guidelines for future development: loyalty, dedication, and devotion to the spread of Jesus' teachings as contained in the Urantia Book. The Officers and the Committee Chairmen of the Brotherhood reported on their activities for the first nine years. The permanent chairman of the Assembly, Alvin L. Kulieke appointed the Committees, which then adjourned to conduct their business. While the Committees were in session, a very interesting program was presented to the rest of the audience by Nola Smith and Carolyn Kendall on the local system and constellation headquarters worlds.

Thursday evening, August 20, a most enjoyable party was held at the home of Alfred Leverenz, with the Urantia Brotherhood and the Orvonton Urantia Society acting as hosts. One of the highlights of this evening was the presentation to the Presi-dent of the Brotherhood of an originally designed banner commemorating the Assembly.

The most important business of the Assembly was completed Friday morning., August 21, with the election of thirty-six General Councilors and the adjournment of the Assembly. On Saturday morning, August 22., the new General Council met and elected officers and members of the nine standing committees. The list of the Councilors and Committee members is attached.

And so the nine-year temporary organization of the Urantia Brotherhood came to an end and the permanent organization began.

About twenty people from out of the city attended the meetings of the Assembly, and it was very satisfying to all of us to greet old friends again and meet new ones. On Friday night about 90 people attended our celebration of Jesus' birthday, which was thoroughly enjoyed by every one.

Our three-day gathering ended on a delightful note by way of a Hawaiian-type party at the home of Bill and Mary Lou Hales on Saturday night.

At the commencement of the Urantia Brotherhood School this Certificates were presented to Vincent and Carleta Wensel, and a. Certified Leader Certificate to Eldred Cocking. A new text book entitled 'Analytic Study of Part I of the Urantia Book;' covering the First ten papers, is now available at 5.00 each. You may have a list of all of the text books upon request.

New officers of the Second Urantia Society of Chicago are: President, John J. Seres; Vice-President, Patricia Mundelius; Secretary and Treasurer, Florine S. Sadler.

We still provide the black plastic book covers with handles, but would like to advise that the price has been increased to $2.00 each.

We are happy to welcome three new members-at-large: Richard M. Hudson,, Seattle, Washington; David R. Gray, Lawrence, Kansas; and John A. Thomson, Wichita, Kansas.

James C. Mills has been appointed field representative by the Executive Committee of the Urantia Brotherhood. we hope to have some reports from him to pass on to you soon,

A report from Jacques Weiss, our French translator, indicates that in the third quarter the French edition of the Urantia Book is moving slowly but steadily. Copies have been sent to Naples, Tangier,, Bakwanga (Belgian Congo), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and even Madagascar. His correspondence indicates a number of people are seriously interested in studying the book.

Here is news from one of our societies:

"The Orvonton Urantia Society meets regularly on Friday evenings at 8:00 P.M., from September to June., at 108 W. Oak Street, Chicago, Illinois. Visitors are always welcome. We conduct our meetings in an informal manner. New and experienced members lead papers or sections of the Urantia Book in direct proportion to their ability and willingness. Ample time is allowed to thoroughly cover each paper.

"The last meeting of each month is an open meeting to discuss a variety of sub-jects,, i.e., the papers recently covered, specialized topics; or general questions are answered for new visitors.

"The Orvonton Society would like to explain its multiple-vote system used for formal business meetings. We took our initiative from suffrage methods used on Jerusem, and on our Satania neighbor of Paper 72. Since there is no way to accurately measure a member's knowledge of the Urantia Book, or of the imparting of the spirit of its teachings, votes are bestowed solely on the basis of attendance at regular informal meetings. Accordingly each member has from one to four votes."

Please let us have news from the rest of you.

A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book