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Paul Snider's Response to Robert Burton
O ctober 25, 1973


October 25, 1973

Robert Burton, Esq.
Cold Springs Farm
Coon Hollow Road, R. 3
Three Rivers, Mich. 49093

Dear Bob;

Your letter arrived over two months ago, but in view of your present status, I thought I should look into your situation more thoroughly before responding.

In this time I have examined the history of events which led to your expulsion by the First Urantia Society, together with a record of the trial and the documentary report you submitted in your defense. I am fully satisfied that the actions taken to expel you were not only legal and proper, but also merciful, and conducted according to the articles of the Constitution of Urantia Brotherhood.

The record I have examined is a tragic portrayal of impatience, wilfulness, and distrust -- a systematic and deliberate attempt to weaken the copyright of The Urantia Book and bring injury to the Urantia organizations. You have misunderstood the true nature of the sacred work entrusted to us.

It is very sad to me personally to witness a man of your ability taking such an unfortunate turn. But in this moment of communication, I nevertheless send you my love and prayer that in what remains of your life you will find your way homeward once again, that you will seek your true direction in the Father's will.


Paul Snider, President
Urantia Brotherhood