The Urantia Book Fellowship

What Does The Urantia Book Tell Us Needs To Be Accomplished?

It is very instructive to set aside all that we have learned about the origin of the revelation and the conjectured intentions of its authors and look at what the book itself has to say about the most important tasks at hand.  If we go through the book and note every point where the authors suggest that we do some particular thing, we find ourselves with a list of tasks which can be divided into three major categories:

1. Tasks related to personal spiritual growth, 2. Tasks related to addressing the spiritual needs of our world, and 3. Tasks related to the improvement of world political and social conditions.

While group 1 tasks have the highest personal priority, it is the group 2 tasks that become the challenge of effective social service.   Following are some of the group two tasks noted in The Urantia Book.  Had all of Jesus' personal exhortations to the twelve been included, the list would have been much longer.

The List

  • "Of all human knowledge..." [196:1.3]
  • "A new and fuller revelation of Jesus..." [195:9.2]
  • "If Christianity persists in neglecting its spiritual mission..." [195:9.4]
  • "One of the most important things in human living..." [196:1.3]
  • "The overstressed and isolated morality of modern religion . . .  would rehabilitate itself if..." [2:7.9]
  • "The real purpose of all universe education is..." [2:7.12]
  • "Paganized and socialized Christianity stands in need of ..." [195:9.2]
  • "Religion does need new leaders..." [195:9.4]
  • "The religious challenge of this age..." [2:7.10]
  • "To follow Jesus means..." [196:1.3]
  • "Some day a reformation in the Christian church..." [196:2.2]
  • "The ultimate goal of society's most advanced achievement can never hope to transcend ..." [196:2.11]
  • "The quickest way to realize the brotherhood of man on Urantia is..." [52:6.7]
  • "All Urantia is waiting..." [94:12.7]
  • "The common people heard Jesus gladly and they will again respond ... if..." [196:1.4]
  • "The hour is striking..." [94:12.7]
  • "The world needs more firsthand religion..." [195:9.8]
  • "What an awakening the world would experience if..." [195:9.8]
  • "The religion of Jesus stands as the unsullied and transcendent spiritual summons..." [195:9.9]
  • "If the Christian church would only dare..." [195:10.10]
  • "What is now most needed is Jesus..." [195:10.1]
  • "The world needs to see Jesus living again on earth..." [195:10.1]
  • "Modern culture must become spiritually baptized..." [195:10.1]
  • "When Jesus becomes thus lifted up..." [195:10.1]
  • "Mankind languishes and stumbles . . . because..." [195:10.1]
  • "The call to the adventure..." [195:10.1]
  • "High-gear spiritual performances must await the new revelation..." [195:10.18]
  • "If Christianity could only grasp more of Jesus' teachings..." [195:10.19]
  • "The hope of modern Christianity is that it should..." [195:10.21]
  • "The great hope of Urantia..." [195:10.16]
  • "Mortals in all stages of spirituality ... may find in the life of Jesus..." [196:2.4]
  • "Let all mankind benefit from..." [178:1.11]
  • "You are commissioned to preach this gospel..." [178:1.11]
  • "Your mission among men is to proclaim the gospel..." [193:0.4]
  • "That which the world needs most to know..." [193:0.4]
  • "The world needs to see Jesus living again on earth..." [195:10.1]
  • "Modern culture must become spiritually baptized..." [195:10.1]
  • "When Jesus becomes thus lifted up..." [195:10.1]
  • "The time is ripe to witness..." [196:1.2]
  • "Jesus of Nazareth must not be longer sacrificed..." [196:1.2]
  • "What a transcendent service if, through this revelation..." [196:1.2]
  • "The religious revisions of Christian civilization would be drastic and revolutionary if..." [196:1.2]
  • "If Christianity persists in neglecting..." [195:9.4]
  • "The hour is striking..." [195:9.5]
  • "This good news . . . must be carried to all the world..." [193:1.2]
  • "Serve your fellow mortals even as I have served you..." [193:5.2]
  • "Go to all the world proclaiming this gospel..." [190:3.1]