TELEPHONE: (773) 525-3319 FAX: (773) 525-7739
URANTIA WEB SITE: http://wwwurantia.org

January 16, 1999

Janet Graham
President of the Urantia Book Fellowship
529 W. Wrightwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614

Dear Janet,

As usual, it has been a pleasure to talk with you. In our many conversations over the last six months, you have been patient and willing to "hear me out one more time." Unfortunately, we have been unable to resolve a particular problem between us, thus this letter. The purpose of this letter is to respectfully ask you to take this letter and our conversations to the February Executive Committee and the General Council meeting for a decision.

The Urantia Foundation is committed to the creation of an environment in which supporters of the Fellowship and Foundation can serve together, United by our desire to love and serve God, people, and this mighty revelation. Like you, we envision a future that benefits from past experience. Historically, when the Fellowship and the Foundation have had disagreements, our attempts at conflict resolution have left much to be desired. I know we can do better. For us, that means improving our working relationship with you. So night now we would like to improve our relationship by forthrightly dealing with a problem that is causing us difficulties.

Here's the situation from our perspective. You have the entire Urantia Book on your web site, and we're thankful that people are finding the revelation through your Web site. We think that your having the Urantia Book on your site is a positive way to foster dissemination of its teachings. In fact, we want you to have the book in all completed translations. Today you only have English and Spanish. We'd like you to also have the French, Russian, Dutch, and Finnish Urantia Book. And when any updated or new authorized translations get completed, we would like to see those translations on your site.

Janet, you have stated that you believe that the Fellowship's Web Site is in compliance with the terms of our Web site policy and therefore compliant with copyright law. After careful and considerate analysis of the situation, we are certain that the Fellowship needs to take another specific action to bring the site into compliance. To comply with copyright law, you need to indicate your formal agreement to the terms of our policy for reproducing The Urantia Book on an Internet Web site.

Knowing that the Fellowship would have a difficult time accepting a license from Urantia Foundation, we struggled for months finding legal solutions that would meet your needs and still protect the copyright. Fortunately many other groups have faced this same dilemma and created copyright protection tools that are unobtrusive, modem, fair, convenient, legal, and non-controlling. Any of the following three unobtrusive options could bring your site into copyright compliance while affording you the use and flexibility you deserve.

We are indifferent with which option you choose but ask that you pick one of these systems and implement it immediately. Your help here would end a clear copyright violation and do a great deal of peace making between us.

Option 1: Click-wrap License
This system is what people like Netscape use when you download their software off the Internet. You simply point to the icon that prompts the downloading and click. By clicking, you have agreed to the terms of their copyright and the downloading begins. With this method you would need to download the Urantia Book from the Foundation's Web site.
Option 2: Shrink-wrap License
This simple system is what CD and tape producers commonly use to protect their copyright. You buy a CD and by breaking open the shrink-wrapped package you are licensed to use the product. The terms of the copyright license are found inside the disk cover

After listening to your Web site committee's issues surrounding the Fellowship's Urantia Book text on the Web, we felt this system was better for you. Using the shrink-wrap vs. click-wrap system would allow you to use your current text with all the references, study-aid prompters, and pointers you have developed. You would merely download your text onto a zip disk and send it to us. Then we'd shrink wrap the zip disk and *include our copyright licensing terms inside the package. It's mailed back to you, gets opened, and bingo. The deal is done.
Option 3: Letter of Acceptance to the Terms of our Internet Copyright Policy to Reproduce The Urantia Book on your Web Site.

This system allows you to merely send a letter to us stating that you agree and will comply with our Internet Copyright Policy for Reproducing The Urantia Book on your Internet Web site. You need to signify that you will abide by the three terms of the policy. They are: 1. When you reproduce the text on your site, you agree not to charge money to permit others to view the text. 2. You'll keep the text inviolate. 3. You'll display our copyright notice in the first few pages of The Urantia Book.

This last system was developed because you felt it might be more acceptable to the Council than a shrink or click procedure. That's fine if it works for you.

Janet, thanks again for the many hours you have spent listening and discussing this matter with me. I respectfully request your presenting and deciding on this matter with the Council in February. And, Janet, please let's get this small but important detail cleared up and get on with our greater tasks. We look forward to our joining forces to create translations and spreading these transforming and life saving teachings.

In the spirit ofpeace and progress,

Mo Siegel
Cc Trustees of Urantia Foundation
Officers of the Fellowship
Attachment: License to Reproduce The Urantia Book on an Internet Web site

You may reproduce, free of charge, on your Internet Web site, the entire copyrighted inviolate text of The Urantia Book from Urantia Foundation's Web site, http://www.urantia.org providedthat:

1.Wen you reproduce the text on your Internet Web site, you agree not to charge money to permit others to view the licensed reproduction of the text;

2.The reproduced text displayed on your Web site must keep the text inviolate. You may not include any quotes from The Urantia Book or its authorized translations that are revised, altered, or amended; and

3.The following notice pops up prior to the appearance of the reproduced text of The Urantia Book.

You are about to view the inviolate text of The Urantia Book, ©1955 Urantia Foundation, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60614; (773) 525-3319; http://www.uranti.org; all rights reserved. You may freely print and/or download this text for your own personal use, but any other uses, including distribution or sale, must be permitted by copyright law or by Urantia Foundation policies. By printing or downloading this inviolate text, you also agree not to revise, alter, or amend any portion of the inviolate text of The Urantia Book that is printed or downloaded.
By accepting this license, you agree to display this notice exactly as and where it automatically appears.
This license is not a license to reproduce or make any use of the trademarks, service marks, or collective membership marks of Urantia Foundation, unless authorized by trademark law, Urantia Foundation license, or Urantia Foundation policies.
This is the entire and complete Web site licensing agreement. By clicking on the download icon, you agree to its terms.

Please download. I'd like to look first.
