The Urantia Book Fellowship


The Morontia Life on Constellation
and Local Universe Levels

Prepared by Ruth F. Burton for The Urantia Brotherhood School, August 2, 1968

Page references refer to the first edition printing of The Urantia Book. A cross-reference map is available to correlate these
page numbers with current Paper:Section.paragraph referencing.

1. Introduction

1. The purpose of the intermediate state.  Page 541; 557; 558.

2. The Nebadon educational system.  342; 339; 412; 1273; 1239.

2. Morontia Life In The Constellation

1. True morontia status – most settled period – re-keying.  494:2; 495:3, 5, 6; 544:5-7; 542:3.

2. Socializing regime on the 700 training worlds.

a. Group ethics.  494:3; 551:1

b. Living with the univitatia.

a) Description of univitatia.  493:2,3.

b) One to ten mortals with ten univitatia 495:2.

c) Goals to be attained.  494:4f

c. Other personalities contacted in this long, technical schooling.

a) Reversion Directors, etc.  339:5.

b) Seraphim. 432; 485:4

c) Celestial Artisans.  497

d. Long cherished ambitions, properly socialized, can be realized.  508:2.

3. Citizenship on Edentia.

a. Duties:

a) Assignments on the seventy progressive worlds.  495:nl

b) Assisting the Most Highs in their “rule in the kingdoms of men.”  495:nl

b. Inspirational activities:

a) On Mt. Assembly the Faithful of Days, the Paradise Trinity representative, gives ascenders a preview of their future spirit career.  489:4-8; 339.6.

b) Worship of the Supreme at the Shrine of the Most Highs.  492:3.

c) Broadcasts from the entire universe and TV programs about Havona and Paradise at the Sea of Glass.  486:7; 487:2,3.

c. Relaxation in the Gardens of God:

a) Lakes, rivers, highland ranges.  486:2-5.

b) Amazing animal life and colorful vegetation.  492:5, nl.

c) Embellishment and care by Celestial Artisans and the spornagia.  492.

3. Ascender Training In The Local Universe

1. On the Melchizedek Worlds:

a. Unforgettable first day.  387:5.

b. On satellites of Sphere No. 1, review of entire past life.  387.7.

c. Spiritual training by Paradise Sons of God, seraphim, and Melchizedeks at College of Spiritual Endowment.  388:8,9.

d. Administration taught by Father Melchizedek.  388:nl.

2. On the Vorondadek Worlds:

a. Here ascenders receive the acme of training in legislation.  391:Sec. 7.

b. Author is “without words” to describe other ascender activities.  391:Sec. 7.

3. On the Lanonandek Worlds:

a. Ex-System Sovereigns teach administration in these schools.  394:Sec. 10.

b. Ascenders participate in actual administration of 10,000 systems.

4. Life-Carrier Worlds:

a. Names of several of the major worlds indicate subject matter relevant to modern research on Urantia.  397: Sec. 2.

5. Worlds of the Finaliters:  Restricted zone.  401:2.

6. Worlds of the Evening Stars:

a. On satellites of Worlds 4, 5, and 6 Trinity Teacher Sons and Evening Stars are teachers of ascenders.  408:3.

7. Worlds of the Archangels:

a. Here are kept complete personality records of mortals from human birth through the local universe.  409:5,6.

b. Urantia is headquarters for certain archangel activities.  409:2.

8. Worlds of Spirit-fused Mortals.  We visit only as invited guests.  411:nl.

9. Worlds of the Seraphim.  Training schools for seraphim.  Seraphic homes are vast, magnificent estates.  420:2,3.


4. Conclusion

342; 1248

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