The Urantia Book Fellowship

The Urantia Book Has a Gift for You

by Sue Tennant

The Urantia Book is a great book about religion (among other things) - but it is not and should never be misunderstood to be a religion in itself.

I think religion, at least organized religion, should be thought of as a cultural thing, even a manmade affair - something that is continually evolving as a result of what a group of people believe about a higher reality and how they try to connect with it. Religion is important because it's so much a part of our culture and values and it has inspired some of our best human thoughts and actions. But regrettably, it has also imprisoned the human mind and oppressed the human spirit. Religion is notorious for its complexity, confusion and inconsistency. Fortunately, the Urantia Book is not a product of any cultural religious tradition on this planet - it is rather a neutral and entirely objective commentary about life that inspires a sense of unity and clarity amidst such religious diversity.

The reason I mention this is, as far as the Urantia book is concerned, it makes absolutely no difference what religious culture you have been raised in or are what you now leaning towards. You will find that the Urantia Book will ultimately support your individual faith in whatever religious setting you feel most comfortable. Whether you are a Jew, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Buddhist, B'Hai, Muslim or Hindu or whatever, this book will offer you a tremendous gift quite apart from any religious tradition. I think this gift that the Urantia Book offers, is as important as anything you'll receive in your entire life.

What is this fantastic gift? It is an eternal and everlasting gift of a profound personal status not only in this world, but in the vast universe and the unlimited cosmos, science is just beginning to fathom. It is an uplifting and challenging gift that will make you feel very special, very proud and very fortunate to be born on this particular planet at this particular time in history. It is a gift that will give you a sense of personal dignity that will simply amaze you - because it has the power to transcend any serious negative hold your environment might have had on you. It is the extraordinary gift of healthy self-esteem, deep rooted self-respect, the dawning comprehension of who you really are -your one true identity. You are a son or a daughter of the Universal Father God himself and you will be humbled by the astounding realization of what tremendous value and relevance you have as a human being in this universe.

If you dare to acknowledge this wondrous relationship with the Universal Father, you will eventually recognize that what is true for you, is also true for every other human being whether they realize it or not And so all other human beings, regardless of their obvious differences from you, are entitled to transcendent respect Self-respect and respect for others is the foundation of tolerance, and tolerance coupled with unselfish service approaches love. Love is the absolute law of our universe to which we are all inextricably bound.

You have an extraordinary career ahead of you! You will soon discover that for you, there are no limits in time or space, that can separate you from the good spiritual things God has to offer you. Not only does God give his life to you by living in your mind, he teaches and guides you and blesses you with infinite patience and mercy. He desires to live in and through you to create good. And what does this really mean? It's means something so wonderful, we can barely fathom it. It means our purpose in life is nothing less than to co-create with God himself and we do this by thoughtful prayer and faith-action.

"In liaison with God, nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible!" For you, the creative possibilities will be endless. Expect to succeed in this life, regardless of appearances. Expect to do good, regardless of appearances. Expect to change this world for the better, regardless of appearances. Have faith in yourself and the Creator, because together, you are in charge. And, eventually you will see, if not in this life than in the next, the supreme and spectacular result of your trusting faith-adventures with God! Never be afraid. God is always with you.

This to me, is the great message of the Urantia Book and I'm pleased to have had a chance to share it with you.

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The Urantia Book Fellowship
Serving the Readership since 1955