Personality in the Universe

  • Human personality is the time-space image shadow cast by the divine Creator personality. No actuality can be adequately comprehended by an examination of its shadow.
  • Man views personality looking from the finite to the infinite. This view is enhanced as to human and divine personality by the bestowal life of the Creator Son.
  • The concept of divine personality can be grasped only by the insight of religious experience.
  • A loving personality can hardly reveal himself to a loveless person. Even to approach the knowing of a divine personality, all of a man's personality endowments must be wholly consecrated to the effort.
  • The experience of a God-knowing person exists above and beyond all human controversy and logic.
  • Throughout all of the stages of evolutionary growth, there is one part of you that remains unaltered, and that is personality--permanence in the presence of change.
  • While devoid of identity, personality can unify the identity of any living energy-system.
  • Personality is characterized by morality--awareness of relativity of relationship with other persons. It discerns conduct levels and choosingly discriminates between them.
  • Personality is uniquely conscious of time--and this is something other than time perception of mind or spirit.
  • Personality can make a gift to God--dedication of the free will to the doing of God's will.
  • When the creature submits to the will of the Creator, he does not submerge or surrender his personality...By such union with divinity man exalts, enriches, spiritualizes, and unifies his evolving self.

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