Let's Make and Keep it Simple.

   How can we know if we are spirit indwelt? How can we know if we are spirit-led? How can we know right from wrong? How can we know truth? Left entirely to our own resources, we simply could not be sure. But the Urantia Papers provide us with simple ways to check ourselves out. So let's make and keep it simple.

   Urantia Paper 115 tells us about "universe frames."

   "Partial, incomplete, and evolving intellects would be helpless in the master universe, would be unable to form the first rational thought pattern, were it not for the
innate ability of all mind, high or low, to form a universe frame in which to think."  (1260)

   Some psychologists believe that we complete our "universe frame" before we attain about 10 years of age and it then stays with us, almost invariant, for the remainder of our lives.

   Our "universe frame" does not need to be invariant. We can change it if that is our desire. Most of us formed our frames in the absence of many of the truths provided to us in the Urantia Papers. We need to recast our frame of thinking in the light of this new knowledge. No magic or special techniques are required. Faith, determination, and persistence will accomplish the task.

   The Urantia Papers tell us that we have a Thought Adjuster, an indwelling spirit from the Universal Father. Faith it is so, will confirm it is so. If we would like additional assurance, then The Urantia Book confirms that "none is good but God" (2097) and that "all goodness takes origin in the Father." (93)

   So let's keep our thought process simple. Have we ever had a good thought? If so, we know it came from God. And how else but via our Thought Adjuster? So let's embed that knowledge in our own "universe frame."

   How can we know right from wrong, good from bad? The Papers tell us our minds have origin in the Universe Mother Spirit and are a component of cosmic mind. Mind comes to us already endowed with certain attributes, among them, an innate sense of moral values and an ability to differentiate relative right and wrong--to know "good" when it presents itself.

   How can we know truth? Here again we have the innate capacities of our minds coupled with the qualities of our personalities which are gifts from the Universal Father. Personality is a unifier and an activator, and is empowered with the capacity to examine goals and pass judgment on their value.

   Added to that we have the gift of the Spirit of Truth from our Universe Creator Son. The Spirit of Truth never makes us conscious of himself. He does make us conscious of Jesus. The more we know about Jesus, his life and his teachings, the more the Spirit of Truth can help us. The Spirit of Truth is the conviction of truth. (1949) If we consciously and conscientiously seek truth, we will become convicted of it when we find it.
   Marring all of our efforts is another component of ourselves that has its origin in our animal ancestry. It tends to divert our motives from being service-orientated to being self-serving. Allowed to get the upper hand, our animal ancestry will ensure our soul death. But it really is not all that difficult to defeat--simply being a matter of motivation. Get rid of selfish ambitions, set the mind on serving our Creator-Son, and the spirit forces within will be enabled to release our potentials of mind and personality.

   Remember always that wealth, fame, fortune, reputation, or anything else accumulated by self, for self, stays right here on Earth when we die. Not even a whisper of our animalistic worldly accomplishments goes with us, for all self-orientated accomplishments are totally devoid of spiritual value.

   So just make it simple and keep it simple. In all things, seek to serve God. In doing so, we immediately become wealthy.

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