3. Innerface International, Vol. 6 No 1.


   In this article, the fifth paragraph of the section "Maximum and Minimum Size of the Observable Universe" should read: "If the radius of the visible
universe contracts by 25.5 million light years from its present size, it seems logical to assume that it also expands by an equal amount with reference to
its present size of 51 million light years."

   The same article used the information in The Urantia Book that indicates that the distance to the outer edge of the first outer space level is 50 million light years. The article also assumed that all the visible galaxies fit in the volume of the first outer space level.  Based on the corrections proposed for the "Visible Universe" article, the "Brahma Breathed" article also needs some revisions. If the billions of galaxies require a universe with a radius of 12 billion light years to house them, and space respiration takes two billion years to complete one cycle, then we should be able to see the evidence of five previous cycles. What will this evidence look like?

  When the universe is in the expansion phase of the space respiration cycle, the light from other galaxies will be red shifted since they are moving away from us. When the universe is in the contraction phase, the galaxies are moving toward us, and the light from them will be shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum. However, since all the light reaching us is red shifted just by passing through space according to the authors of The Urantia Book, the light reaching us from galaxies in various parts of the space respiration cycle will appear as more or less red shifted rather than as alternating red and blue shifts. This means that the galaxies less red shifted will appear closer to us than they are if we only consider red shift.  And galaxies with extra red shift will appear further away than they really are. This will make the universe look as though it is composed of concentric spheres of lesser density of galaxies alternating with concentric spheres of greater density of galaxies. If such a structure emerges as the astronomers map the universe, we will have some validation of the idea of space respiration. Providing of course that the universe actually is 12 billion light years in diameter and that the amount of red or blue shift due to space respiration is significant enough to detect. Otherwise, we shall still be in the dark.  As usual.

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