facts of scientific discovery, while the other half languishes in the arms of ancient superstition and but thinly disguised magic." (973)

Science teaches man to speak the new language of mathematics and trains his thoughts along lines of exacting precision. And science also stabilizes philosophy through the elimination of error, while it purifies religion by the destruction of superstition." (907)

     So you see that if we scientists had been in the driver's seat, the false gods would all be dead, philosophic elimination of religious fear would have been achieved, and religion would have been purified by the destruction of superstition. Then, by thinking with exacting and virtually errorless mathematical precision, we could have led the world such that it was already on the brink of light and life. However, reality is different. The revelators themselves scuttled us and the opportunity is gone, perhaps forever.

     How did the revelators scuttle us? Some readers may not have noticed the sections in the book (I call it the 'funny' stuff) that have the potential to cause embarrassment, even chaos, if we were called upon to defend them at some kind of promotional gathering or perhaps a TV host show. (Have you ever noticed that people have an intense fear of being ridiculed?) I'll only touch upon one of these sections but will also suggest that the revelators seem to have left us with an escape mechanism for this particular one, and that there may be similar escape mechanisms for some or even all other sections of 'funny' stuff--provided we examine them with the quality of scholarship that I have heard in Matthew Block's IC96 talk on the human sources and David Kantor's presentation on "Race, Evolutionary Biology, and the Kingdom of Heaven."

     Most readers will be familiar with the story of Adamson and Ratta, that they had a family of 67 children, 16 of whom are described as being "
often invisible." Remembering that both parents were superhuman, Adamson being a child of Adam and Eve, and Ratta a pureline descendant of the staff of the Planetary Prince, perhaps it was not an insurmountable shock to the scientifically-minded to cope with the book's declaration that these 16 children were "often invisible."

    What follows is a little more difficult to digest. When Adamson noted that the two first born invisible ones were male and female, he decided to embark upon a breeding experiment and, as this first effort was successful, he continued with the experiment, the final result being that the 8 pairs of "often" invisibles brought forth 1984 "always" invisible offspring. This group we know as the secondary midwayers.

   The Caligastia rebellion plus the Adamic default had a drastic influence upon the secondary midwayers, more than half of them casting in their lot with Calgastia and some even taking to penetrating and possessing the minds of subnormal humans as a means of keeping themselves amused. This phenomenon was known to the ancients as possession by demons or evil spirits.

    From questions asked of a sample of book readers, it appears that, like myself, most have read this story in a more or less cursory manner and come away with the impression that the births and maturation of both the 16 parents and the 1984 secondary midwayers were a fairly normal operation except for the "invisible" factor and the secondary midwayers being nourished by some kind of electrical energy unknown to we humans. 

   A more scholarly reading quickly shows that while the parents of the midwayers lived and died like mortals of the realm (862), the "birth" of their offspring was quite extraordinary. One piece of information is on page 862, "each couple was capable of producing a secondary midwayer every seventy days by a combined technique of sex and non-sex liaison." But we have to skip to page 866 for the next important piece about their origin. Referring to
both primary and secondary midwayers, the book says, "While the midwayers were brought into existence fully developed--experiencing no period of growth or development from immaturity--they never cease to grow in wisdom and experience."

     There is no way the conception and maturation of the secondary midwayers was in any way parallel to that for a normal human child. In fact, there is no evidence that they underwent any process resembling being "born," and neither did they grow. If I sought a parallel from the book, I think I would pick upon the method by which two ascending humans of finaliter status bring into being a "trinitized son," a totally new being, via some extraordinary union of their two minds and personalities that personalizes a new and unique "idea."

     It is curious that the fact that the secondary midwayers came into being fully grown and fully mature gets no mention in Section 6 of Paper 77 which is specifically about them and their creation. The way this, and other stories, are told in the book is now leading some readers to question whether the revelators have used some technique akin to allegory in order to present us with a deeper overview of the cosmology of the universes than could otherwise be given if they are to stay within the rules governing revelation. If so, this may mean that much, perhaps all, of the 'funny' stuff is told using a symbolism, allegory, or mythology that hides much deeper realities.

     The extensive and scholarly work of Matthew Block has drawn attention to the long overlooked fact that the revelators have drawn extensively upon human sources--just as is

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