around us."

d) becoming humble.
"Humility is the acceptance of reality. It is the acknowledgment of the truth about ourselves. It is accepting the truth of a situation whether we like it or not. Humility is knowing we all fit into God's plan equally and are no better nor worse than anyone else." Humility is not self-deprecation, which is a form of false humility because the "focus remains on us even though we are putting ourselves down."

e) stopping comparing ourselves with others
with our self-esteem being dependent upon being better than others. We are all unique!

f) forgiving -
"We should regard forgiveness as making space within us so that we may eventually replace with love the pain and rage which have driven us. Forgiveness is largely about seeing more in others than just their actions. ...Our Higher Parent can help us rationally perceive life's events as neutral...and can help us to put space between hurtful events and our reaction to them. Also our higher Parent can help us to gain understanding so that we do not feel so helplessly consumed by our memories."

       "Our legacy from our creator is to know relationships where love is given and received, where we are valued and respected and nurtured by one another. Our legacy is to play to the fullest extent our part in the greater plan of creation."

    Indeed it is a joy to live in an era where Jesus' living message of "the Kingdom within" is being espoused by the self-development perspectives. Where once God was the monopoly of the churches, in this century He is being freed to become the "Higher Parent" of the individual, with this part of Jesus' message finally gaining general populace acceptance!     

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