phenomena; it even reveals a spiritual goal of progressive personality achievement."

   There is purpose to mortal life--the spiritual goal of the attainment of goodness.

And this is a concept of unity which can sense the unchanging background of a living universe of continually changing impersonal relations and evolving personal relationships."

   The only unchanging thing anywhere is the Eternal God. God is the stable background whose presence our unified minds are able to sense.

Matter and spirit and the state intervening between them are three interrelated and inter-associated levels of the true unity of the real universe. Regardless of how divergent the universe phenomena of fact and value may appear to be, they are, after all, unified in the Supreme."

   The state intervening between matter and spirit is "morontia." But all is one in the experiential God of the finite universes, the Supreme Being.

Reality of material existence attaches to unrecognized energy as well as to visible matter. When the energies of the universe are so slowed down that they acquire the requisite degree of motion, then under favorable conditions, these same energies become mass."

   Prior to the a-bomb, this concept was virtually unthinkable for the human psyche. Our physicists now seek to confirm that somewhere above an energy level of 20 billion billion electron volts, there is a zone of zero mass. As energy levels decrease, an as yet hypothetical particle, the Higgs boson, provides the mechanism that breaks the symmetry of the zero mass hypothesis, thus enabling the existence of the low mass particles that make up our finite world of matter.

And forget not, the mind which can alone perceive the presence of apparent realities is itself also real."

   Mind is real and distinct from matter even at the level of the physical-energy-associated mechanical mind of the lower organisms. Mind caters for levels appropriate for the spiritual, morontial, and finite material states.

And the fundamental cause of this universe of energy-mass, mind, and spirit, is eternal--it exists and consists in the nature and reactions of the Universal Father and his absolute co-ordinates."

   Missing from this discourse to the Greek philosopher but required for completion of our understanding of both reality and our place and purpose in that reality, is the partnership that we mortals must establish with the indwelling Father-Spirit--God's gift of a unique part of himself to each ascending mortal.

   In this partnership the will of the human personality reigns paramount in the sense that it alone must make the freewill commitment to doing the will of God.

   The will of God is the way of God and the way of God is goodness. Therefore our commitment to doing God's will is a commitment to the ultimate attainment of divine goodness. Hence the reality of our universe career is the experiential perfecting of goodness that will qualify us to attain the very presence of the Father--and beyond.

   In summary:

  • Reality is the absolute goodness of God.
  • The ongoing purpose of our existence is that we ultimately attain God's goodness.
  • The purpose of both our earthly and eternal existences is the experiential perfecting of our goodness.

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