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July 1, 1970

The third Triennial Delegate Assembly will convene at 10 A.M. on July 11, and continue through August 2, 1970. This Assembly consists of one delegate and one alternate from each of the Urantia Societies. These delegates will elect twelve new members to the General Council to fill the positions of the twelve Councilors whose three-year terms expire, and will also fill any vacancies that have occurred in the Council.

On August 2 the Triennial Meeting of the General Council of Urantia Brotherhood, including the new members, will be held for the purpose of electing officers, committee chairmen, and committee members. This session is open only to the 36 Councilors.

This Triennial Assembly is open only to members of the Urantia Brotherhood, which is made up of members of Urantia Societies and members-at-large. You will note from the attached program there will be a reception at 8:00 P.M. at 533 Diversey Parkway. We hope you will plan to be there.

We would appreciate hearing from out-of-town members who are planning to come so that we may have some idea as to how many to provide for.

Newly elected officers of societies have been reported as follows: First Urantia Society: President- E.L. Christensen; Vice President- Martin W. Myers; Secretary, Lillian A. Wallin; and Treasurer- Helen Carlson. First Urantia Society of Wenatchee: President- Lewis A. Clark, Sr.; Vice President-, Margaret E. Mathews; Secretary and Treasurer- Ernest Mehl. Urantia Society of Glenview: President- Bernard Burton; Vice President- Burton Harris; Secretary- Donna Rowley; Treasurer- Harry Rowley. Orvonton Urantia Societ of Chicago: President- Olga Unverzagt; Vice President- William Rogge; Secretary- Carolyn Kendall; Treasurer- Frank Sgaraglino.

We are happy to announce another new member-at-large--Mrs. Gene Joyce of Richardson, Texas.

The Urantia Brotherhood School is again planning two 9-week seminars, the first starting in October and going into December. ''Morontia Life" will be the topic of study and discussion during the fall seminar.

On June 7, 1970 Mrs. Mary Lou Hales, Chairman of the Charter Committee of the Urantia Brotherhood, accompanied by Miss Christensen and Mr. Myers, had the pleasant experience of installing the First Urantia Society of Wenatchee, Washington. Thirteen founders were initiated as well as two charter members, and all took the pledge of dedication and signed the membership role. Mrs. Hales opened the meeting with an inspiring talk and pertinent instructions to the new society, after which all founders signed the membership book and charter No. 9 was presented to Mr. Lewis A. Clark. The purposes and aims of the Urantia Brotherhood and its relationship to established societies was set forth in a message to the group prepared by our President, Mr. Alvin L. Kulieke, who could not be present.

We enjoyed meeting the fine members of this new society in Wenatchee. A delicious pot-luck dinner was served to members and guests with time allotted for getting acquainted with one another. That evening at 8:00 P.M. the members of this new society again gathered at the Clark home for their regular Sunday evening meet-ing. Mr. Clark has been the leader of these students in the study of the teach-ings of the Urantia Book for several years and we congratulate both him and his students on their accomplishments.

Members and friends, please don't forget that Jesus' birthday will be celebrated on August 21, at 8:00 P.M. at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago. A social hour will be held on the first floor following the celebration.


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book