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Urantia Foundation's Letter to FUSLA
Re: Change in Policy of Selling Books to Members


June 1, 1977

Kermit Anderson, Book Chairman
The First Urantia Society of Los Angeles
15872 Wicklow Lane
Huntington Beach, Cal. 92647

Dear Kermit:

Please pardon the delay in the additional reply to your March 21 letter. No doubt you received Christy's March 28 letter.

The FUSLA Book Committee has been doing some wonderful work and we can understand and appreciate your concern with the Board's decision to discontinue the sale of Urantia Books to Societies and Brotherhood members, in cartons of ten, at the wholesale price.

To give you the benefit of our thinking, the Trustees have for some time wondered about the wisdom of encouraging Urantia Brotherhood Societies to be in the book selling business. True, we are talking about The Urantia Book and not a general trade in books, but our thinking has been that the real purpose of a Society should be to study the Urantia teachings and avoid commercial ventures even if tied to a worthy objective.

Your March 21 letter, reviewed at a recent meeting, caused us to re-examine this new policy of ours in light of your very worthy program of using the proceeds from the sale of Urantia Books to your members to finance gift books to public and institutional libraries.

We continue to believe that our decision to sell to Societies and members at the retail price is wise; however, we want to help support your outreaching library program. Therefore, the Trustees are pleased to continue to extend to FUSLA and other Urantia Societies the wholesale price (40% discount from retail) on Urantia Books, in any quantity (not only in lots of ten) to be donated to libraries and/or institutions, with the provision, however, that Urantia Brotherhood be given the names and addresses of the institutions to which the books are or are to be given. The Brotherhood headquarters can thus continue to maintain a record of libraries where The Urantia Book is available, It should be emphasized that none of the Books acquired for donation are to be sold; they are for donation only to institutions or libraries.

There is considerable evidence to support the view that many individuals who are truth seekers have found The Urantia Book in public and institutional libraries. We hope that this adjustment in our policy will enable FUSLA to continue its important Urantia Book placement program which is certain to contribute heartily to the future spread of the Urantia teachings.


Thomas A. Kendall

cc: Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger, President, Urantia Brotherhood
Scott Forsythe, President, First Urantia Society of Los Angeles