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General Council of Urantia Brotherhood
Resolutions Passed
September 21, 1989 Special Meeting

At a Special Meeting of the General Council of Urantia Brotherhood called to take up the issues raised by the resignation of three trustees of Urantia Foundation and to evaluate the actions taken by the Executive Committee at its July 17, 1989 meeting, the following resolutions were passed in order:

1. "The General Council supports and affirms the action taken on behalf of Urantia Brotherhood by the Executive Committee at its meeting of July 17, 1989." This motion passed by a vote of 31 in favor, none against, and 3 abstentions.

2. "The recent culmination of events affecting the relationship between Urantia Brotherhood and Urantia Foundation has led the General Council to embark on a course of action which redefines that relationship. We therefore resolve to evaluate our organizational goals and plans and to institute such measures as to affirm our existence as an independent, autonomous organization, operating on the basis of group wisdom, and in keeping with our highest understanding of the teachings of tub." This resolution was passed unanimously.

3. "Be it resolved that the fund raising function of Urantia Brotherhood pertain only to the raising of funds for Urantia Brotherhood. Motion passed with 28 in favor, 3 against, no abstentions.

4. "Be it resolved that the Executive Committee of Urantia Brotherhood immediately and responsibly re-establish a separate office services operation/staff." This motion was approved with 28 in favor, none against, and 3 abstentions.

5. "The General Council directs that the officers of Urantia Brotherhood formally request from Urantia Foundation a lease at 533 Diversey Parkway for the entire first floor and basement (or other adequate and appropriate space) and the placement of Urantia Brotherhood interior and exterior signs in order to facilitate the social/fraternal work of Urantia Brotherhood. Motion passed with 28 in favor, 3 against, and no abstentions..

6. "The General Council directs the Executive Committee of Urantia Brotherhood to proceed to take any and all actions necessary to effect a smooth working transition of headquarters office operations in all pertinent areas and to work harmoniously with Urantia Foundation whenever possible. The General Council also requires a written report at its next meeting as to any actions and/or decisions taken on this matter." This motion carried unanimously.

7. "Be it resolved that Urantia Brotherhood use its mailing list in any manner it deems appropriate. Motion carried unanimously.

8. "Be it resolved that the General Council of Urantia Brotherhood affirms the principles for which Urantia Foundation was founded and the purposes we share in common, as stated in the Declaration of Trust. Motion passed with 23 in favor, 1 against, and 3 abstentions (some members had left the meeting to return home).

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