
Urantia Foundation
533 W. Diversey Parkway
Chicago, IL 60614
TELEPHONE: (773) 525-3319
FAX: (773) 525-7739
WEB SITE: http://wwwurantia.org

December 15, 1999

Janet Farrington, President
The Fellowship
529 Wrightwood Ave
Chicago, IL 60614

Dear Janet,

Thank you for your November 28 letter responding to our concerns about copyright and trademark infringements on the Fellowship's Web site, concerns which the Foundation's Executive Director expressed to you by phone in early October, and which we confirmed to the Fellowship in writing in our letter dated October 12, 1999. Regarding a meeting between representatives of the Fellowship and the Foundation, we are willing to have face-to-face meetings as a means of clarifying misunderstandings and solving problems.

After our previous meetings and agreements with representatives of the Fellowship, we had the impression that certain matters had been resolved. This, however, proved not to be the case.

It is our view that the Fellowship has not fully honored its past agreements with the Foundation. Therefore, we are now looking for an unmistakable sign of good faith on the Fellowship's part. Ceasing the unauthorized display on, and the removal from, the Fellowship's Web site of the French and Spanish translations of The Urantia Book would create the basis for a truly productive meeting.

Our overall concerns remain as we explained them in our October letter and phone conversation. We hope that you will remove the French and Spanish translations, in advance of a meeting, as a sign of good faith and an indication that you share our desire to resolve all outstanding issues.

We hope to hear from by December 28, 1999, and suggest that we meet in Chicago on January 15, 2000.


Trustees of Urantia Foundation

Richard Keeler
Georges Michelson DuPont
E. Kwan Choi
Gard Jameson
Mo Siegel