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Marian Rowley

Each year the Secretary-General's office becomes a more interesting, exciting spot and this last year has been no exception. It is the hub of all Brotherhood activity and we are in touch with everything going on in the societies and with all others who are interested in the Urantia Book. Many interesting letters are received and we have quite a few personal callers who want to meet us or get more information about the book and our organization. Because of my absence from the office during regular business hours, the callers are usually met by Anne Rawson, Edith Cook, and Dr. Sadler, to whom my thanks are due. I was out of town several times this past year, so I also wish to thank Miss Christensen for taking care of my work, as Acting Secretary-General, and Leone Sadler for taking full responsibility as Custodian of the books.

I regret to report that the General Council lost two members by death - Floyd S. Bordsen on February 4, 1962, and Warren H. Kulieke on February 23, 1962. Warren Kulieke was also President of the Urantia Brotherhood and he has been greatly missed. The office of President was left vacant and Mr. J. C. Mills has been Acting President.

Mr. William S. Sadler, Jr., presented his resignation as Field Representative on March 11, 1962, and it was accepted with regret by the Executive Committee on April 2, 1962. Mr. Meredith J. Sprunger remains as Field Representative, but has made no official visits to the societies during 1962.

An unofficial trip was made by me to the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma late in November. They hold two meetings a week - Sunday and Wednesday nights - and I was fortunate enough to attend both sessions. There is a different leader each night - and everyone takes part in the reading and the discussions. Both meetings I attended were very well conducted and most interesting. Their group has grown by 10 new members this past year and they are getting some young people interested. It is an active, progressing group.

The Executive Committee has set up standards of admission for members-at-large and an application form has been made up. We also have provided a membership card for this class of member, and cards have been sent to all 13 members. Seven members were added in 1962.

The French translation was published in 1962 and in the summer the Urantia Foundation received its copies of the 3-volume set. The Foundation is handling the sale of the French edition. Mr. Weiss reports the book is selling very well in France.

Early in 1962 a question was brought before the Executive Committee as to whether Ordained Teachers of the Brotherhood could perform the marriage ceremony. Our lawyer was asked for an opinion. He replied that it would take considerable study to give a definite reply and it would probably depend on whether the state considered the Brotherhood as a church. In the absence of definite approval, Ordained Teachers will not perform the ceremony.

During the summer the Brotherhood received a most welcome gift - a portrait of Dr. Sadler painted by the internationally known painter, Gustav Likan.

Following is a list of study groups which we know are meeting with more or less regularity:

Albany, N. Y. Darien, Conn. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Springfield, Ill. Winnetka, Ill. Glen Ellyn, Ill. Culver, Ind. Topeka, Kan. San Diego, Calif. Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. Western Springs, Ill. Denver, Colo. Phoenix, Ariz. Sydney, Australia Glen Iris, Australia

We have heard of a few others, but are not sure whether they meet regularly or are even in existence at the present time.

We cannot keep an accurate list of study groups or of owners of the Urantia Book unless we are notified. We would appreciate it very much if you would give us the name and address whenever you give or sell a Urantia Book, and we are particularly anxious to have the names of libraries where you may place books, as we plan to issue a list of the libraries with one of the coming News Letters.

Respectively submitted,

Marian Rowley, Secretary-General

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship