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John Hales

Once again we are gathered together as the highest deliberative body of URANTIA Brotherhood. On behalf of the old councilors, I extend warm greetings and congratulations to those of you newly elected to the General Council at yesterday's closing session of the Triennial Delegate Assembly. With your selection to this body, you have the opportunity and the responsibility to contribute the best that is in you to the work of the Council -- not that any of you would do less. There is a healthy diversity of thinking in this group, and please remember it is important for you to share your ideas with all of us on the topics before this body for discussion. I realize that due to the election process, you have arrived at this meeting on short notice and probably do not feel adequately informed about current Brotherhood business. Do not be discouraged, some of us share this same feeling. By your agreement to serve on the General Council of URANTIA Brotherhood, you have accepted a solemn duty to serve in the organization that has been established to foster the dissemination of the fifth epochal revelation of spiritual truths to mankind -- The URANTIA Book. While we should be serious about the work before the Council, I hope we will not take ourselves too seriously. Again, welcome to those of you joining us in service, the goal of which is nothing less than the world-wide realization of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

This past year URANTIA Brotherhood has continued to pursue both on-going activities as well as undertaking some new projects asked for at the last meeting of the Council. The committee reports that were sent to you earlier reflect this activity. In reading them, I hope you have come with questions concerning committee activity which will be discussed following this report. The Executive Committee continues its bi-monthly meeting schedule, beginning at 10:00 AM until about 5:00 PM. The agenda for these meetings is not necessarily of great length, but the views expressed on some topics reflects great diversity of thinking. It takes time to reach group decisions. It takes time to understand another's point of view. It takes time to reach a compromise.

On a personal note, we are all aware of the graduation to the mansion worlds of our good friend and co-worker, Emma L. Christensen, Christy, on May 2, 1982. Those who were able to attend her memorial service heard the chronicle of her years of devoted service to our cause. There are few who have willingly sacrificed so much in being steadfast to the end in carrying out their stewardship -- and with such a joyful spirit. Even now I have not fully realized she has gone on and that her absence from the Executive Committee meetings which she attended since 1955 is permanent. I am sure others share similar feelings. I was reminded at her memorial service of her three primary concerns drawn from many years of experience and stated with compelling insistence during her last months on our mortal abode, Urantia. First was insuring that the URANTIA revelation not fail. This will be accomplished by fostering thousands of study groups, by the unified work of the Brotherhood and Foundation in protecting and safeguarding the revelation, and by providing translations.

Second was the world-wide promulgation of the teachings that all mankind are spiritual brothers, the sons and daughters of a loving God. And third was her concern for the spiritual unification of the URANTIA movement. Each of us must live the very truth we proclaim if we expect others to do likewise. We must overcome any anger, frustration, real or imagined injuries, by talking directly to the individual concerned -the Jesusonian approach. My salute to Christy and to her contributions to our work; may she even now be rejoicing in fellowship with her family and friends who have gone on before her.

Summary of Brotherhood Activity

At the last meeting of the General Council several tasks were given to the Executive Committee to study, take action, and report on at this meeting of the Council. One of these concerns the issue of' ''fair use'' of copyrighted material from The URANTIA Book. The issue of having to ask permission of URANTIA Foundation to use any material from the book has been a time-consuming process. Under the so-called new, copyright law, it seemed possible to establish guidelines to take into account the request for more flexible use of material, at the same time, maintaining protection of the copyright. Since URANTIA Foundation is responsible for this area of work, I asked Duane Faw to offer whatever help he could on this project. You have received a copy of the Foundation's response to our request titled ''The URANTIA Book Copyright Permission Guidelines" along with the covering letter of Tom Kendall, President, URANTIA Foundation. I wish to thank the Foundation trustees for this long awaited document. We will have time to discuss the guidelines later on today's agenda.

Another request of the Council concerned the drop in sales of The URANTIA Book. To study this, I requested that two committees, Domestic Extension and Special Projects, make independent studies in order to provide the broadest data base from which to draw some conclusions. You have copies of each of these reports, "Marketing The URANTIA Book,'' and ''The URANTIA Book -- A Marketing Study." On behalf of the Council, I wish to commend all of those who participated in this project which includes societies, study groups, and many other individuals. They provide data upon which to make recommendations to increase distribution of The URANTIA Book. This is also on today's agenda for discussion.

The event that I would consider the most significant of the year came to fruition with the announcement of the reprint of the French translation of The URANTIA Book. A little over a year ago Duane Faw and I made a trip to France to hear the concerns of the French readers at not having books available. We returned to share this information both with the Council and URANTIA Foundation. Through the fall and winter months, the Executive Committee discussed with intensity and some passion the manner and methods that seemed most appropriate to help the French situation. Committee members conveyed their concerns and recommendations to the Foundation which included discussing with the translator plans for reprinting. I was given the announcement of the availability of Le Livre d'URANTIA (formerly titled La Cosmogonie d'URANTIA) just prior to the March meeting of the Executive Committee. Although there were diverse opinions concerning the way the matter was handled, there was agreement that the Brotherhood should send representatives to Paris, France, and Montreal, Canada, to bring the good news of the availability of the translation to the French-speaking peoples of the world. The news was joyously received. More information will be shared with you later in today's business. There are two additional translation efforts. Our friends in Finland have completed the Finnish translation, an effort of some twelve years and three major drafts. What remains to be done is to complete a review process by a professional checker, and of course to obtain funding for printing -- no small task. The group in Helsinki is to be congratulated for the years of dedicated service. There is a Spanish translation which Tom Kendall has indicated the Foundation is in the process of checking concerning the accuracy and suitability of the language as well as their having to obtain some answers to legal questions. I have learned, as have many of you also, that the entire area of translations is an extremely complex process requiring us to take a long-range view of all such efforts. Notwithstanding any or all apparent obstacles, both the Foundation and Brotherhood should continue to actively plan for translation efforts. It is of central importance to our shared goal and reason for existence -- the world-wide promulgation of the URANTIA teachings.

Another significant area of work involves the project to locate and identify study groups. Started well over a year ago, the data gathered by questionnaires has finally been sorted and put into usable form. Although through experience there are some modifications of a mechanical nature to be worked out, the data provides a most important tool for purposes of referring new readers to groups and establishing a factual base upon which future planning can be made. When we establish a computer program, which we are in the process of investigating, access to this information will serve multiple purposes. Currently the study group project has been mainly domestic in nature. It will expand to become world-wide in scope.

My report today is by necessity selective in nature. The areas I have chosen to highlight are certainly not meant to slight any other activity,,, either by departmental committees, societies, study groups, or individuals. On-going activities include the coming summer workshops and the many individuals who spend hours of effort to make this a worthwhile program. Regional conferences which have become regular events in many areas and provide the -- ''first time I have ever met anyone I can talk to about The URANTIA Book'' -- experience that new readers find so invaluable in meeting their desire for fellowship and inspiring personal study. Also included is the work of faithful study group leaders who ceaselessly carry on in helping the group to weather all manner of inter-personal tension and even conflict, to persevere even in the face of apparent defeat. This work is not for the faint-hearted. So much of this activity was somewhat unique ten years ago. Now we tend to view much of it as routine. It becomes more apparent to me that we are so close to these events, we cannot really appreciate their significance. However, we care and do appreciate the individuals who make these things happen.

In preparing this report, I have to anticipate that through the selection process of the Triennial Delegate Assembly (TDA), some who have served faithfully and loyally for many years are no longer members of the Council. I know the human response is to initially tend to feel a sense of rejection or loss. Upon reflection we learn to accept the fact that there are many who are able and willing to serve in the capacity of Councilor. For each one of us the time will come to step aside in order to let another have this service experience. The TDA is the time provided to allow for orderly change in the Brotherhood leadership. For the Council I extend deep-felt thanks and appreciation for the service rendered to all who have retired from this body, for we stand upon their shoulders.

Today as we undertake the business before the Council let us do so with an attitude of unity amidst our diversity. Let us foster the spirit of co-operation that helps us hear the other's point of view, and accept the sincerity of motive in the hearts and minds of others while not necessarily being in agreement with their conclusions. And in doing this I am sure our elder brother Jesus is present to encourage us in our working together. The teamwork we effect is greatly augmented by friendly forces none of us fully understand. Yet we can appreciate the results of this co-operative process of finding solutions to our problems. Each of us has chosen to be ''soldiers of the circles." It is the symbol of our dedication to do our part in our day to insure the success of the fifth epochal revelation. Let us do a day's work today, and let us do it well.

JHW/rjm 6/26/82

Respectfully submitted,

John Hales, President

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship