
The only problem I saw with the DuPont letter was that it states that the material on our web site is published under an agreement with Urantia Foundation. The concern, of course, would be that this implies we have accepted their license, which is not the case. Perhaps the following wording would be more accurate:

Regarding your request that The Fellowship remove the French translation from our web site, we must refer you to the Foundation Trustees, with whom we have an understanding regarding the display of The Urantia Book.  We operate our web site in full compliance with the requests of the Foundation governing such usage, which are: that we do not charge fees for use of the text; that the text remain inviolate; and, that Urantia Foundation’s copyright notice be displayed in the first few pages of the on-line Urantia Book.  We are now complying and will continue to comply in these matters, as my letter of February 9th, 1999 to Urantia Foundation indicates. 

Of course, there are many other ways to word it as well. This is just a suggestion to get around the possible legalism. Naturally, I am being paranoid. Georges is the Trustee, by rumor, who was least satisfied with your (our) letter of 9 Feb. He won't be satisfied with this, either. Whether or not he would have been satisfied with your original version is anyone's guess. Perhaps it would have lowered his temperature (I doubt it) at the price of engendering more council fuss.

The situation is, of course, that by their asking and our saying we do it anyway, there is created a de facto, but not a de jure presumption that a contract exists. It would just be messy and chancy for them to litigate about it if they decided to change the rules and we chose not to do anyway whatever their new rules say.

Sorry to create details...Dan

P.S: I called you several times last month to discuss this, but never got an answer or a reply after your first call. Are you on the road?

At 10:01 AM 9/8/99 , Janet Farrington Graham wrote:

I'm assuming since only Marilynn responded, and she wouldn't change a word,
the rest of you think this letter is fine as well.  I'll ask John to send it
registered mail first thing Thursday morning.


Janet Farrington Graham wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Attached is a draft of a letter responding to Jacques Dupont.  Please
> let me know if you have corrections or additions.  I did not cc the
> Trustees on purpose.   Jacques can forward the response if he chooses.
> One question:  The Dupont letter was sent registered mail.  Should we do
> likewise?
> Love,
> Janet
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                         Name: Dupont letter.doc
>    Dupont letter.doc    Type: Winword File (application/msword)
>                     Encoding: base64